Demon Dash Express!

In Demon Dash Express, you are the harbinger of the apocalypse, a relentless force of destruction feeding off the life energy of your enemies! This chaotic arcade shooter blends high-speed Contra-style action with a sinister reverse tower defense twist.

🔥 Shoot & Destroy – Mow down waves of enemies in a fast-paced 2.5D shooter, wielding explosive fireballs, razor-sharp scythes, and a rapid-fire barrage of brimstone.

🩸 Create from Destruction – Every soul you claim fuels your army. Defeated foes become undead minions, rampaging against an AI-controlled stronghold on the other side of the battlefield.

⚔️ Unholy War – Zombies, skeletons, and demons rally to your cause, attacking fortresses standing between you and total annihilation. But beware—each level escalates with more powerful defenses, and your survival is the key to victory.

Prototype Build – Due to time constraints, this version represents a slice of our full vision. We hope you enjoy the chaos nonetheless!

The end is near—and you are the one bringing it.

Are you ready to dash toward destruction? 🚀🔥

Programming: Isaac Hisey

Art: Justin Gilbert

CC0 Attributions:

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Pointer gfx:

Published 1 day ago
Authorsthetornadotitan, JusticeMoose
Made withGodot

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